08 September 2010

Challenges and New Beginings

So I am 6 days down on my 14 day Optifast VLCD diet. No meat or Carbs, I am only allowed veggies (minus potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, peas and corn or other starchy vegetables). I am also able to have 1 cup of strawberries/raspberries per day. I also have to drink 3 litres of water each day (not easy).

I really struggled with the diet on day two and three and came very close to cheating a couple of times. Particuarly when I had to visit Chermside Shopping Centre to buy my Dad a Fathers Day Present. As soon as I stepped off the escalators I was hit with the smell of bacon and eggs(it smelt devine!). But I managed to resist all the food in the food court as I walked past. This has made the following days a little easier because I proved to myself that I can resist the temptation even when I feel I desperately want to eat and I am alone without anyone to see me cheat.

I have also joined a Lap-Band support site and it has been interesting to read everyones stories here... it is great to know that others are also going through what I am.

I now only have 9 days before I am banded and I am starting to get very excited. I feel like my new life is about to begin. A life full of regained enegery, enthusiam, and positivity!

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