16 September 2010

1 Sleep! Less than 12 hours eek!

So I am getting ready for bed... it is 11:30pm and I have to be up at 5am for my surgery tomorrow morning.

Have had a strange week waiting for tomorrow. It felt so long away at times, especially when I was frustrated with the two week pre-op diet. And now it’s here I can’t believe it.

I had a bit of an emotional night last night. It all caught up with me, it became totally real and I realised that I am having this surgery and although small, there are chances of complications and there are risks. I also sort of grieved for my eating habits of old... started to realise "wow, I won’t ever go out with my Hubby or friends and family to enjoy a 3 course meal at a restaurant! I will only be eating an entree sized meal".

But now that my mini-meltdown is done (partly due to the support of my amazing hubby!), I am ready! Ready for this change and my new life!

Be back soon, to let you all know how it goes!

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